Another cycle of the seeds.
Waxing and waning Moon.
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The cumulative-dissipative cycle should not be confused with the one many farmers keep in mind, when they must sow. I refer to the cycle related to waxing and waning Moon.
This other cycle appears to regulate the way and speed of plant growth. This is certainly evident for some seeds. For example, if the seed of lettuce is sown on the period of waxing Moon, the plant does it quickly, passing to the production of seeds, useful for the next generation.
The potato tubers, they tell me, should not be planted on the ground on the period of waxing Moon.
What relationship could there be with the cumulative-dissipative cycle?
The processes of the dissipative phase are facilitated and speeded up when the temperature is about to decrease. The same processes could be further facilitated and made faster when the Moon is above the horizon.
In other words, the greater the heat exchanges in the dissipative phase, the faster the growth processes. The position of the Moon above the horizon could further facilitate the same processes.
Roughly speaking, the greatest coincidence between the position of the Moon above the horizon, and the decrease in temperature during the 24 hours, occurs in the phase of waxing Moon.
The importance of the dissipative phase.
Objection: hadn't it been said that it is the cumulative phase that determines the importance of the cycle?
It is true that the operator is advised to determine the efficiency of the dissipative-cumulative cycle, by intervening on the temperature variable during the cumulative phase.
However this is true for the simple reason that, what happens in the dissipative phase, with high probability, is a consequence of what had happened in the previous cumulative phase.
But ultimately, it is in the dissipative phase that the real reorganization of the molecular configurations takes place, and that this will determine the final results.
In other words, the plant would develop faster if the seed had carried out the dissipative phase entirelly (especially if before it had done the cumulative phase well).
When the dissipative phase is most active.
The seeds can dissipate especially from the late afternoon (from 4 pm in general), until dawn, when the temperature does not rise.
In "waxing Moon", when the temperature drops, and the dissipative phase is operational, the Moon is mostly above the horizon.
In "Moon waning", when the temperature drops, and the dissipative phase is operational, the Moon is mostly below the horizon.