Are we alone in the Universe?

An exoplanet, in order to be fit to sustain life, should have, among several features, a massive moon like ours.



Validity of the two consequent forces.

Gravity and force d are universal.

Diffusion of the two consequent forces.

However, as for the diffusion, between the two aspects, there is a substancial difference.

The manifestation of the force d is not widespread in the Universe, because it produces effects only at given constraints, hard to be met.

In practice, most of its manifestations are to be found in planets like ours.

The exoplanets.

An exoplanet, in order to be a place fit for life, and to be considered akin to the Earth, on top of other essential features, must have a moon, massive and nearby. And moreover, a proper magnetic field.

Are we alone in the Universe?

Is the Earth an exception? Are we alone in the Universe?

We cannot know for sure, whether there is an exoplanet like ours, with all the chance and matchless combinations, the ones we already know, and certainly other ones, we do not yet know.

However, we know that, in practice, because of the distances, it is as if we were alone, anyway. Much better so!
