This video was made in 1997, or before, by the NASA Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
The ocean tides observed from the space.
It makes it possible to visualize all the tide waves of the planet Earth, at the same time, as they usually progress.
(current representation) Just two bulges, westbound.
Consider the difference between the movie by NASA and the classic representation.
(inductive approach) Circular movement of the ocean tides.
On the video, you shall see that there is not two bulges, each moving from a meridian to the successive one, westbound.
In order to see by yourself, act on the cursor by means of the mouse, slowly, and assess the dynamics of the tides along a specific meridian of your choosing. You will see, that in some places of that meridian, there is high water (red), while in other places of the same meridian there is low water (blue), contradicting what is implied in the figure above.
From the video, it is also implicit that there is not two bulges - as they keep saying - one always near the sublunar line, and the other one near the opposite line.
Instead, clearly, there are many bulges, one for each tide basin. Each wave turns around the centre of its basin. Clockwise, if on the southern hemisphere; counterclockwise, if on the northern hemisphere.
The space unit of the tide.
One cannot consider the Earth, as a planet having either one or two fields of action, for the ocean tides. Indeed, it has many, called tidal basins.
The phenomenon takes place this way because of the unequal ratio, between (1) the velocity at which the Earth turns on its axis, with respect to the Moon and the Sun, and (2) the velocities at which the imbalances tend to be compensated, namely the water levels, and, above all, the different water pressure in different localities, within each tide basin, because of the changes in its density.
Indeed, in the alternative approach, presented in this site, the tide waves are considered as moving averages, of the delayed effects of changes in water density, at different times, in turn, in the different locations, within each tide basin.
The video is also presented with a simpler comment. |