Itinerary 2 - About the tides, in short.

The hypothesis is proposed that the tidal phenomenon – here understood as a process of expansion and contraction of the volume of water - is due to cumulative-dissipative processes, activated by movement with respect to the Moon and Sun.


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prologue ocean tides > index tides > Introduction to cumulative-dissipative processus in water and ocean tides.

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If you are not willing to accept even what you do not expect, you will never find what is hidden.


Causa latet, vis est notissima . . . (*)

Ovid, Metamorphoses

On peut bien connaître l'existence d'une chose, sans connaître sa nature. (**)

Pascal, Pensées, iii, 238.

(*) While the effect is known, the cause remains hidden.

(**) One may well know the existence of a thing, without knowing its nature.


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Jean Fourastié said that when we want to communicate a new idea, it must fit harmoniously into previous ideas' baggage, as if it were only a corollary, or a special case. This is a useful recommendation in most cases.

But not when fundamental inconsistencies burden the theory on the subject under discussion. Not when you understand that you have to start from a completely different point of view.

As it happens in the current theory on tides, when they tell you that they are mainly due to the attraction exerted by the Moon, even if this attraction is infinitesimal, compared to that exerted by the Earth on its waters.

--- 2 ---

Rather than say “we don’t know”.

When the culprit of a crime is not found, sometimes an innocent person is condemned, even in the presence of inconsistencies, fixing things as best they can, in practice adapting them to the least worst.

This is what happened in the case of the tidal theory. Not finding the true cause of the phenomenon, instead of admitting that they did not know, they preferred to state that - in the case of tides - the horizontal component of the attraction must be considered.

However, as already said in the prologue, even if we resort to this expedient, cubing the value of the distance, the attraction of the Moon would still be negligible, not enough *** (fr, it) that its attraction could have any effect.

--- 3 ---

Towards an alternative hypothesis.

Based on what has been said up to this point, I would rule out attraction as the cause of the tides, finding myself free to propose an alternative hypothesis, corroborated by evidence.

Like seeds, even water can regenerate, keeping its entropy low, thanks to its movement with respect to other matter, and consequent cumulative-dissipative processes, as can happen in water purification plants, where it is set in motion for its regeneration.

Gathering of evidence.

In this research, in order to prove that water also uses cumulative-dissipative processes, I had to keep in mind the difference between how it happens in seeds (still relative to the surrounding matter), and how instead it happens in liquid water (molcules in motion).

In this regard, I had to see if also in water some perceptible effect could take place, caused by the movement of the Moon, showing two of the peculiarities of the cumulative dissipative processes: (1) that they are activated by the movement with respect to other matter, (2) at critical angular velocities, therefore only during brief episodes of interaction, as I had seen in the seeds.

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In seeds, at critical angular velocities.

In the seeds still on the ground, all molecules move at the same angular velocity with regard to the Moon. When this happens at a critical angular velocity, the processes, either cumulative or dissipative, can take place in large numbers, but in distinct periods, for the reasons already stated.

In seeds, when stationary on the ground, the cumulative processes take place omly in the periods b-c and d-a as shown in the calendar, while the dissipative processes take place only in the periods a-b and c-d.

In water, just a few molecules at a time.

Water, when liquid, is instead composed of groups of molecules, which can increase or decrease their angular velocity, with regard to other matter, not in agreement with each other.

Consequently, the two phases of the cumulative-dissipative processes, induced by the movement at critical angular speeds, with respect to other matter, do not take place in distinct periods, but in close times, or even at the same time. This can happen often, but typically only in a few molecules at a time.

This is why, most of the time, the change in water density is not perceived when it occurs.

In this way the formation of the tide is continuous but hidden, except when the processes can be recorded at the times in which they are amplified, in particular places.

Lusenzo astronomical observatory.

One of these places is the southern lagoon of Lusenzo, near Venice, where the phenomenon is amplified, and where much of this research has been carried out.

When the water from the Lusenzo lagoon must flow towards the sea, it is uncertain which channel to pass through - whether the one located to the east of the island that connects Chioggia to Sottomarina, or the one located to the west - and it remains almost stationary. Thus approaching, to some extent, what happens in seeds.

At particular moments, this increases the quantity of processes, both cumulative and dissipative, that take place at the same time, making the phenomenon of "water figures" visible.

When it occurs.

This happens when the Moon insists for a prolonged time on a single critical angular velocity, valid for water, with respect to a large number of molecules, thus making the phenomenon of variation in the density of water visible, albeit in an restricted area.

Ultimately, this phenomenon can occur under the following conditions: (1) when the movement of non-standing water is very reduced; and (2) when the Moon's motion moves at a critical angular velocity, relative to many water molecules, for a prolonged time (almost always only at points a, b, c, d, of the calendar used for seeds, i.e. when the angular velocity of the Moon varies only slightly). For further details see itinerary 2.3.

--- 5 ---

Water figures.

During my research, I recorded in photos and videos what I call “water figures”, real protuberances of water, witnesses of a change in its density, and which I now present on this site, in various pages of the itinerary 2.3, together with the circumstances in which the recordings have taken place.

When the phenomenon is amplified, it takes the form of “density waves” (page 2.4.6).


The "density waves" phenomenon of the film took place on March 18, 2011, at point c of the calendar, at the critical angular velocity of deltins 139,4/hr.

--- 6 ---

Record how the tide is generated.

In order to record when the tide is generated by variation in the density of the water, you have to go to particular places, when, under given conditions, they become astronomical lenses, and the phenomenon is amplified.

It happens when, at the same time, many water molecules find themselves moving, relative to the Moon, at one of the critical angular speeds.

As sometimes happens in the Lusenzo lagoon, as mentioned above.

But with the warning that our mind censors the phenomenon.

Our mind censors the phenomenon.

Water figures and density waves can usually be perceived without difficulty when presented in photos and videos.

Instead, the same phenomenon, when seen in real life, is censored by our mind, if it is not already part of our experience.

In fact, the Lusenzo lagoon borders a very popular public garden. As far as I know, no one has ever reported the phenomenon of water figures.

I realized it, when, on the camera monitor, I saw that it was about to record something very different, compared to what I was about to see directly, at the same time.

As a rule.

As a rule, the phenomenon can only be perceived when seen on film.

The fact is interesting to understand how our mind generally reacts to new things.

Ultimately, when we perceive with all our senses an event that is not yet part of our experience, and that we do not know how to interpret, our mind censors it, or interprets it as if it were something else.

On the other hand, when we see a scene in a film, we are more tolerant of the new, regardless of whether what we see may be true or false (see also page 2.4.7 and annex P).

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