2.4.6 - Density waves.

On this page, I present two cases of density waves, preceded by a note, and followed by comments.


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prologue > index tides > 2.4 The cumulative dissipative cycle in water.

2.4.1 The cumulative dissipative cycle in water.
2.4.2 The test Z takes shape.
2.4.3 A natural astronomical observatory for the tides.
2.4.4 The test Z: amplifying a hidden phenomenon.
2.4.5 The water figures.
>2.4.6 Density waves.
2.4.7 Other significant cases.
2.4.8 Ordinary waves and density waves.
2.4.9 For a man-made astronomical observatory for the tides.


Two significant events.

In the two cases presented, the angular velocity of the Moon is given, as an hourly average for each day. It shows the recovery of its delay, in its turn around the Earth, defined in 86400 deltins, performed in a sidereal month.

In the two cases, this angular velocity had values very close to the same critical value. In the first case shown, it was 139.4 deltins per hour; in the second case, 140.7 deltins per hour. This is based on the resolution allowed by the data provided by the NASA website.

The phenomenon is stronger in the first case shown, when the value is 139,4 deltins per hour. As you move away from this value, the phenomenon becomes less strong.

It should be noted that, in both cases, there was a low level of “noise”, thanks to the reduced movement of the water, not disturbed by the wind, nor by the passage of boats. So, the water should be flat. Instead density waves appear clearly.

Coincidence of all the useful variables.

I can say that there was a coincidence of all the usefull variables: being near to one of critical values of angular velocity of the Moon, and at one of the a b c d points of the calendar; water still, undisturbed by wind, nor by the passage of a vessel; adequate water level; being not far from perigee; not far from a spatiole; adequate light.

Most likely, in the first case presented, either a critical angular velocity has been reached, or a value very close to it.


In this regard, I would first like to point out that while for seeds still on the ground, the critical angular velocity values with respect to the Moon are precise, for liquid water it is different.

For water it is a matter of probability of the number of molecules that at a given moment are moving at a critical angular velocity with regard to the Moon.

Probability that in fact is distributed around a critical value, which in the films below is estimated to be very close to deltins 139,4/hr.


Case: Lusenzo 2011-03-18 ut 1059.

Lusenzo 110318u1059: spatiole B u1024; moon declination: N 3°54; Moon distance km 358362; eq t +8'11"; moon angular velocity deltins 139.4 /hr; variation zero. Water level: cm +43.


Favorable parameters.

The water maintained a macroscopic coordination, shown in the regularity of the square shapes, over an extended area of no less than ten thousand square meters. The phenomenon was favored (1) by a good level of heat exchange, (2) by a nearly spatiole, estimated at only 30 minutes, (3) by the Moon proximity, as a perigee point was near.

Lusenzo 2011-03-18 ut 1059 - point c.


Lusenzo 2010-07-21 u.t. 0700 up to u.t. 0746 - point d.

Lusenzo 2010-07-21u0700: spatiole B 0641; moon declination: south 24°05; Moon distance km 388132ca; eq t +6'24"; moon angular velocity deltins 140.17 /hr; variation +0.09 deltins/hr. Water level: cm +46.

Intermittent low-density water waves.


The assumed critical velocity value must have taken place shortly before (deltins 139,4/hr). The phenomena were gradually becoming less important, as less molecules were interested in the critical angular velocity, as you can see in the films made in the following minutes.



Lusenzo 2010-07-21u0741: spatiole B 0643; moon declination: south 24°05; Moon distance km 388132; eq t +6'24". Water level: cm 48.




