2.6.1 - Almost equal intervals in a series of tidal waves.
The best way to understand the mechanism of the tides is to consider several types of tidal wave profiles, starting from the most simple ones.
In this itinerary, I present just a few cases, typical for the Venice lagoon, situated in the northern part of the north Adriatic tidal basin, a semi-diurnal one.
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prologue > index tides > 2.6 - examples of tide waves.
>2010-06 2.6.1 Almost equal intervals in a series of tidal waves.
2010-06 2.6.2 Antithetical situations, same effects.
2010-06 2.6.3 In a neap tide.
2010-06 2.6.4 The role of the Sun in the tides.
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Intervals between successive tidal waves (march 2007).
Legend of the tidal wave graphs.
On the numbers assigned to the tidal waves.
Almost equal intervalls beetween tidal waves.
In the graph above, one can see that the intervals between successive tidal waves keep almost equal for several days.
In order to have such effect, both the Moon and the Sun are to be close to a value of zero declination, relative to the equatorial plane.
Another constraint: to be close to one day, either of new moon, or of full moon.
Near a spring equinox, with the Moon at zero declination.
Indeed the graph above show the tidal waves as forecasted for the days near the spring equinox of 2007, being the Moon in the new moon phase.
Time concentration of the wave components.
During such circumstances, the thrust fronts - those due to the Moon, and those due to the Sun - are generated at regular intervals, and within short lapses of time.
The final effect is an accentuated range of tide (large difference in height between consecutive high and low waters).