How the motion of the Moon affects
the seeds and the water of our oceans.
Annex F : Observations and experiments.
observations: the interactions of force d take place discontinously, only at critical values of angular velocity; seeds affected by their motion with respect to the Moon.
experiment A: Seeds set in motion with respect to the surrounding matter; processes taking place during brief episodes of interaction, at critical values of angular motion, with respect to the surrounding matter;
experiment A annex 1: procedure;
experiment A annex 2: Interpretations of the outcome and perspectives.
experiment B: subjecting sunflower seeds to the action of a moving magnet: foreword and results;
experiment B annex 2: procedures.
experiment C: The viability in seeds varies. Thanks to the experiment C, it was discovered the distinction between the hard seeds period, when their viability decreases, and the tender seeds period, when their viability is recovered. The cumulative dissipative cycle of the seeds was proved to be induced by the motion of the Moon.
experiment E (paradoxical procedure): How to induce seeds to decrease their viability during the cumulative phase, so that they can recover it during the next dissipative one. It is also the application to increase the germinative capacity of the seeds before sowing, and crop production.
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