1.3.3 The bidirectional thermodynamics.
Some phenomena have emerged, where there was a decrease in entropy with no energy degradation, thanks to cumulative dissipative processes.
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prologue > index seeds > 1.3 Interpretation of the phenomena.
1.3.1 The unidirectional thermodynamics.
1.3.2 A question already raised.
>1.3.3 The bidirectional thermodynamics.
1.3.4 Consequent forces.
1.3.5 The viability cycle.
1.3.6 The secret of life on Earth.
The seeds give the answer to the concerns of J. C. Maxwell and others, showing the missing piece of the mosaic, supposed by Erwin Schrdinger.
Starting from the way in which I manage to exploit the cumulative-dissipative cycle in seeds, to obtain an increase in yields (itineraries 1.1 and 1.2), I give my interpretation of the physics of the phenomenon.
It is understood that this interpretation of mine may be by other researchers either confirmed, modified or invalidated.
Exchanges of heat consistent with the movement.
In the experiment E, the seeds reveal they can decrease their entropy, with no degradation of energy, at the end of the cumulative-dissipative cycle, using their angular movement relative to other matter, if said movement is accompanied by coherent heat exchanges.
Indeed, when seeds are going to increase their movement relative to other matter, at one of the critical angular velocity values, and are, at the same time, accumulating heat, it is in the cumulative phase.
Instead, when the seeds are going to decrease their angular movement with respect to other matter, at one of the values of critical angular velocity, and are, at the same time, dissipating heat, they are in the dissipative phase.
Cycle efficiency and managed energy.
Up to a point of temperature in the cumulative phase, in the experiment E, there is a close relationship between the efficiency of the cycle in the reduction of entropy, and the amount of energy managed in the two opposite processes, first borrowed in cumulative phase, then returned in dissipative phase.
This leads me to think that energy in the form of heat is only used to favor the two opposite processes, but that in the end it is returned without having been reduced overall.
A consequent force due to movement.
The observations and experiments, presented in itinerary 1.2, on how seeds recover and increase their ability to germinate, allowed me to fine-tune the sowing procedure described in itinerary 1.1, useful for the recovery and increase of their germination capacity.
What I have written in the first two itineraries on seeds, and what I have written so far in this one, now allows me to postulate that there is, alongside gravity, another consequent force, defined by me as "force due to angular movement relative to other matter", and which for the sake of brevity I call "force d".
As it happens with the other consequent force, gravity, the action of force d does not involve degradation of energy.
The "force d" has effects only on two conditions.
We have already seen the first condition: that there are contextual thermal exchanges consistent with the movement. Without coherent heat exchanges, the "force d" remains inoperative.
The second condition is that the angular velocity of the movement must be one of the critical ones.
Due to the second condition, the "force d" acts only during brief episodes of interaction.
At the end of a cycle.
At the end of a cycle, there is an increase in the germination capacity of the seeds, and a decrease in entropy, without degradation of the energy used in the form of heat, as this is borrowed, but then returned, upon completion of the processes, without being degraded.
This would be the way the second law of thermodynamics could be remedied (circumvented): there would be reduction of entropy, without degradation of energy.