1.3.4 Consequent forces.

The consequent forces are those that produce effects without degrading energy.


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prologue > index seeds > 1.3 Interpretation of the phenomena.

1.3.1 The unidirectional thermodynamics.
1.3.2 A question already raised.
1.3.3 The bidirectional thermodynamics.
>1.3.4 Consequent forces.
1.3.5 The viability cycle.
1.3.6 The secret of life on Earth.


Consequent to the matter around.

The arrangement of matter in space results in two consequent forces, gravity and "force d", as I postulated on the previous page.

The first consequent force, gravity (consequence of interaction with other matter), determines the movement.

The second consequent force, the “force d” (consequence of the movement with respect to other matter), exploits this movement in cumulative-dissipative processes, at the end of which, under given conditions, there is a decrease in entropy, without involving a decrease in the available energy in the Universe.

Features of the "force d".

The "force d" has its own characteristics, different from those of gravity, in terms of: (1) formula, (2) way of action, (3) degree of discontinuity of action, and (4) effects.

In fact, the "force d" differs from gravity in at least four features:

(1) its range of action decreases by reason of the distance to a much greater extent than in the case of gravity (the formula is to be defined);

(2) the way of action, as it would act on the configurational energies of the molecules;

(3) the degree of discontinuity of action, as it manifests itself during brief interaction episodes at critical angular velocity values;

(4) its effects, as they are conditioned by contextual exchanges of heat, consistent with the movement: in the cumulative sense, when the movement is increasing; in the dissipative sense, when the movement is decreasing. Without contextual thermal exchanges, in coherence with the trend of motion, the "force d" has no effects.

Moreover, it is not to rule out that the “force d” could be operative only in planet featuring an adequate magnetic field, and a moon, massive and not far away.
