2.3.7 - Problems of perception.

When you managed to be present at several discontinuous events in the water, you did not notice it, because our mind is not made to perceive the unusual.


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prologue > index tides > 2.3 How this research on tides started.

2.3.0 - Title, subtitles, content, notice.
2.3.1 - Introduction to a research in its early days.
2.3.2 - Problems to be solved.
2.3.3 - A force not considered.
2.3.4 - The attention shifts to water.
2.3.5 - Hunting for discontinuous events.
2.3.6 - The water figures.
>2.3.7 - Problems of perception.
2.3.8 - Perspectives.


In the hypothesis that even water used the “force d” to perform cumulative dissipative processes, you thought to have already understood under what conditions the generation of the tide could be amplified.

You assumed that the secret would be revealed, thanks to an event of discontinuity in the water, as happened with the fatty acids of the sunflower seeds, which in their case became tender or fluid in an instant.

You went to many potential appointments, during which you expected an event of discontinuity. But when you managed to be present at several such events, you didn't notice.

The mind does not perceive the unusual.

It took you some time to understand that your mind was not perceiving exactly what was going to happen.

You realized it, when, on the camera monitor, you saw that it was about to record something very different, compared to what you were about to see directly, at the same time.

At that moment you understood how we humans cannot perceive the unusual, when in stark contrast to our previous experience.

Then, you also understood one of the reasons why the cause of the tides has been hidden for so long.

The first ideas occupy the space.

You found yourself struggling with what Jean Fourestié said, that man sees what he expects to see. He perceives only what is in accord with the content of his thought.

The ideas that come first occupy space, and block the brain to their advantage, forbidding access to those that did not arrive in time. Among them, ideas are intolerant.

Material for a theory on perception.

It seems that some water figures are excluded from our vision. We simply do not perceive them as they are, because our mind is unable to explain them.

Lusenzo is at the center of a city of forty-nine thousand inhabitants. The place where the registrations took place is frequented, being a public garden. As you say, as far as you know, nobody notices the phenomenon. Or, nobody gives importance to it.

When there is no wind or passage of boats, our mind is reluctant to accept seeing spontaneous waves, that is, those that are developing without an apparent cause.

It is really true - as they say - that what everyone sees is always his own interpretation, as probable as possible, elaborated in coherence with the basis of his own experience and way of thinking.

Water figures seen out of context.

The mind deceives you when you see this type of water figures in context. Out of context, once you have recorded everything on photos and videos, you have a few more possibilities to get closer to what had happened.

As for the various water figures, each person has different perception problems, when they see them directly, but also when they see them in a video.

When you get used to the water figures, the problems of perception should tend to decrease, as they become part of your experience. This acquisition ability varies from person to person.

Of course, some videos that you put on the internet do not represent what a person can see, with the naked eye, if he goes to Lusenzo; but only what he could see through the monitor of his camera, or much better later, when he is in the tranquility of his home, and he looks, calmly and with the utmost attention, at what he has recorded. What one will see will depend on his past experience, entirely personal.


The problems of perception that you had with the water figures you have treated them from the page www.tournesol.net/en-v/en-P.htm.

So far you have already identified seven differences between normal water waves, those caused by the wind or a boat, and those you call “water waves featuring variable density” (see page 2.4.8).
