prologue - Index - Index seeds - prologue on tides
Prologue on tides.
In the first part of this website, I presented the results of my research on seeds, how it is possible to increase harvests, by exploiting the cumulative-dissipative cycle, which uses the force d.
In this second part of this website, I instead direct my attention to water, which, like seeds, is at the top of what makes life possible on our planet.
The fact.
It is a fact that tides are due to the action of the Moon and, to a lesser extent, to the action of the Sun.
Attribution of the phenomenon.
For over 330 years they have wanted to attribute the tidal phenomenon to gravity, at the cost of combining the normal formula of attraction, where the distance from the attractive body is squared, with a second formula, where the distance is cubed, which would be valid, according to current theory, only in the case of tides.
The assumption.
All this under the assumption that in addition to the vertical component, there would also be a horizontal one.
However, this still does not explain - convincingly, in my opinion - the fact that the tides instead take place within tide basins, as demonstrated in a NASA film, with frequencies that can be mostly bi-diurnal, but also daytime, or mixed.
On the current theory on tides.
In the first itinerary dedicated to the tides, we will see various statements from multiple sources about the behavior of the tides.
In the second itinerary I will present some excerpts written by proponents of the current theory on tides, together with my observations written in italics.
An alternative theory is proposed.
In subsequent itineraries I will propose a possible alternative theory, in which the tides would instead be due to cumulative-dissipative processes, activated by movement with respect to other matter, that is, with respect to the Moon and the Sun.