e.6 - Aborted ocean tides.

In this case, the generation of the tide does not occur, in part or not at all.


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prologue > index > Force d and magnetism.

e.1 “Force d” and magnetism: introduction.
e.2 Meridians: common and magnetic.
Effect of the magnetic declination.
Anomalous tides - introduction.
Early tides, late tides.
e.6 Aborted tides.
e.7 Only one system at a time.



Exemple 1984-04.

Exemple 2012-03.

Until now, 2012-06-29, I have not recorded more examples of this kind.

Concave figures, aborted tides.

One cannot rule out that the concave figures - where the water density appears to increase (just the opposite with regard to all the other water figures) - could have a relation with the anomaly called “aborted tide”.

Something on concave water figures is on page 2.2.5.

continued e.7