e.4 - Anomalous tides - introduction.
Among the causes of the anomalies in the tides, there would be also the conditions of the solar wind.
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prologue > index > Force d and magnetism.
e.1 Force d and magnetism: introduction.
e.2 Meridians: common and magnetic.
e.3 Effect of the magnetic declination.
e.4 Anomalous tides - introduction.
e.5 Early tides, late tides.
e.6 Aborted tides.
e.7 Only one system at a time.
Because of the meteo.
When the times of the tidal waves change with regard to the forecasts, that is attributed to a number of non astronomical components, such as the weather conditions (pressure, direction and velocity of the wind - the common wind, that of our biosphere).
Because of the solar wind.
Normally, the magnetism associated with the solar wind has no effect in mid magnetic latitudes, eg in the Adriatic Sea, to which this study refers.
In this sea, abnomalies in the behaviour of the tides, due to the solar wind, appear to occur in appreciable extent, but very rarely. This would take place when the protection of the magnetosphere becomes less effective.
The kind of events that I will present should be more frequent in the tidal basins near the magnetic poles. It is precisely in basins near the poles that we should test this theory.
I will give examples of abnormal tides, not attributable to weather conditions.
Two types of anomaly.
The solar wind would cause two types of anomaly in the tides.
Early tides, late tides.
The tides would come either earlier or later in dependance on the angle of incidence of the solar wind, when crossing the Earth (see page 5).
Aborted tides.
With the anomaly of the second type, the generation of the tides is aborted, either in part, or altogether (see page 6).