e.7 - Only one system at a time.


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prologue > index > Force d and magnetism.

e.1 “Force d” and magnetism: introduction.
e.2 Meridians: common and magnetic.
Effect of the magnetic declination.
Anomalous tides - introduction.
Early tides, late tides.
e.6 Aborted tides.
e.7 Only one system at a time.


As far as the “force d” is concerned, the fatty acids and the water molecules may be part of different systems, though of only one at a time; it would depend on which mass of matter, at a given moment, the strongest “force d” comes, at one of the useful frequencies of motion.

For instance, seeds at rest with regard to the Earth, may be part of the system Earth-Moon, when the values of the relative movement of the Moon, at a given moment, are those required by the molecules under consideration, according to the state of their energy levels.

If at a given time, a useful frequency of movement, relatively to the surrounding matter, comes into play, the molecules in question would become part of the system Earth, which then prevails.

Other systems.

They may be part also of the system Earth-Sun.

After considering the masses and the distances of the various planets, on one hand, and, on the other one, the formula of the “force d” (where the distance, on the denominator, is raised to the 3rd power), the possibility that there could be a system Earth-<AnotherPlanet> is ruled out.